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Start your next project with BenchMarx

Request a demo now to see how teams are saving money with BenchMarx

Streamline Project Data Collection

Streamline your time & material process and track labor, equipment, materials, and sub-tier vendors.

Manage Your Project Change Orders

Maintain change order data in one centralized location, and approve, review, or reject incoming work.

Avoid Cost Overruns

Identify project gaps and take corrective action to stay on time and within budget.


Streamline Project Data Collection

Streamline your time & material process and track labor, equipment, materials, and sub-tier vendors.

Manage Your Project Change Orders

Maintain change order data in one centralized location, and approve, review, or reject incoming work.

Avoid Cost Overruns

Identify project gaps and take corrective action to stay on time and within budget.

Trusted by job sites worldwide